Do you have asbestos in your house? Unfortunately the answer may be yes, depending on when your home was built and the materials used. Asbestos is a highly-effective fire-retardant material that was used as an insulator in many homes and commercial buildings until the 1970s. Homes built between the 1940s and 1970s used asbestos as a thermal and acoustic insulator.
Asbestos is known to cause serious health complications, including lung disease and Mesothelioma. This is because asbestos is made up of tiny particles, described as abrasive fibers, which can lead to lung disease and other ailments when it is inhaled.
Common materials that may contain asbestos
Asbestos exposure happens when a material or product containing asbestos is disturbed and the tiny particles are released into the air and breathed in. Exposure to asbestos is hazardous. It is important to be aware of the common materials in your home that may contain asbestos and if asbestos is found, proper safety protocols should be followed when removing this dangerous material to avoid breathing in any particles.
Common materials in your home that may contain asbestos include:
- Basement boilers and pipes
- Vinyl floor tiles
- Attic insulation that was blown in
- Some types of linoleum
- Window caulking
- Roof material
- Siding material
- HVAC ducts
- Plaster
- Some types of paint
It is important to note that finding asbestos in your home may not pose any hazards if the material is in good condition and will not be moved or disturbed. However, it is best to contact an asbestos abatement contractor and a local Environmental Protection Agency office to determine what next steps to take.
When to seek legal help
Asbestos exposure can cause serious health problems and death. Filing a Mesothelioma and asbestos-related lawsuit may be an option to help you move forward with your life. Consider contacting an attorney with experience handling asbestos claims to discuss your legal options.