Asbestos is linked to a serious disease, mesothelioma, which has no cure. When a person breathes in or ingests asbestos, there is a risk that they could get those fibers stuck inside them. Over time, those fibers may cause scarring, and that damage may lead to...
We Know Mesothelioma
Month: March 2021
Testicular mesothelioma: A rare type of cancer
While most people think about mesothelioma as being a lung condition, the reality is that mesothelioma can be found in other parts of the body. Mesothelioma may affect the lungs as pleural mesothelioma, the abdomen as peritoneal mesothelioma, the heart as pericardial...
Metformin recalls keep happening: Patients need to be aware of the danger
Metformin is a cheap, convenient drug that is often used as first-line defense against further deterioration by both pre-diabetics and non-insulin-dependent diabetics alike. Unfortunately, recalls of Metformin have been steadily coming throughout 2020 and into 2021....
New York courts uphold the rights of second-hand asbestos victims
Companies that expose their workers or even their customers to unsafe levels of dangerous substances often try to deny their wrongdoing. They may at first deny that they caused exposure, and then they later deny that the exposure would result in any health issues....