Semaglutides such as Ozempic and Wegovy have been in the news so much lately that they’ve become virtually “household names” when it comes to weight loss. These drugs, originally intended to help control Type II diabetes, are commonly being used “off-label” because...
We Know Mesothelioma
Year: 2024
Can you get mesothelioma from one exposure?
Mesothelioma is a disease caused by asbestos exposure. It is a type of cancer that typically develops in the abdomen or chest cavity, near the lungs. It is known for being aggressive, having a high fatality rate and having a long latency period. But what if you were...
Blood testing may help with early mesothelioma diagnosis
Mesothelioma can be a devastating form of cancer. It has a relatively low five-year survival rate after diagnosis and is very difficult to treat. Most treatments only help extend the life of the patient, rather than eliminating the cancer and helping them achieve...
How to gather evidence for your mesothelioma claim
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that requires an equally aggressive treatment plan. With that in mind, a mesothelioma claim is often necessary to provide victims with the finances they need to combat the disease. Mesothelioma claims require evidence of exposure...
How might responding to an emergency expose you to asbestos?
If you have worked in the emergency services, then it is important to consider whether you have been exposed to asbestos. If you have, then you should stay aware of any signs that you have developed an asbestos-related cancer. One of the scenarios where you might have...
Another multi-million dollar award granted in a talc lawsuit
For decades, people trusted talc powder as a supposedly safe health and beauty solution. People used it to avoid odors and prevent moisture accumulation. In fact, Johnson & Johnson even marketed talc powder as baby powder. Countless parents sprinkled the powder...
Why renovations increase asbestos risks
Asbestos is always dangerous. There’s a reason why it has been essentially banned in the United States. When you buy building materials today, they can’t contain asbestos because the health concerns have become clear. It can lead to a host of serious diseases,...
Is asbestos in makeup causing health issues?
Asbestos, a known carcinogen, has long been linked to severe health issues such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Surprisingly, recent studies and reports have raised concerns about the presence of asbestos in makeup products, potentially putting...
When big businesses try to avoid responsibility for talc-related cancer
People have used talcum powder for decades as a health and beauty solution. Some companies even marketed this product for use on babies in particular. People have long used talcum powder to fight odor and absorb moisture. Unfortunately, research has begun to connect...
Asbestos isn’t the only cause of mesothelioma
You may be quick to dismiss media coverage of mesothelioma if you’ve never had any prolonged exposure to asbestos. After all, it seems you don’t hear about one without hearing about the other. This is a dangerous misconception because you may be missing symptoms...