It’s common knowledge that asbestos exposure can lead to mesothelioma, an aggressive form of cancer that is fatal. Some people think that the current remediation methods used and approved by the Environmental Protection Agency are safe; however, a recent study shows that this isn’t necessarily true.
One remediation method is burying the asbestos fibers. The theory is that there is little chance of the particles entering the air once buried so that there’s little to no risk of anyone inhaling them. An article published in a Jan. edition of the Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters discounts that theory.
Why is buried asbestos dangerous?
The electric charge on asbestos particles makes them sticky before their burial. The organic matter in the soil changes that charge, so the particles aren’t as sticky as before their burial. This means that the asbestos fibers can move through the soil.
As the asbestos moves through the soil, it can spread out past the known contamination zone. It can get into the water supply if there’s one near the disposal site. This means that the effects of asbestos exposure can be much greater than initially thought.
What to do if you become sick after an asbestos exposure
People who gain exposure to asbestos might not have any symptoms of mesothelioma for a long time. Once the problems manifest, their medical issues usually come on suddenly. Receiving the medical care that you need can be costly.
Seeking compensation should be a priority for anyone who’s dealing with this type of situation. This can take the financial pressure off of them and allow them to focus their attention on spending time with their loved ones.