People who are exposed to asbestos may be concerned about developing pleural mesothelioma, which affect the lungs. They may not realize that’s not the only type of mesothelioma that can occur because of asbestos exposure. Peritoneal mesothelioma is another type, but it’s not as common.
The peritoneum is the lining of abdomen, which is where this form of mesothelioma occurs. The symptoms of this condition are often associated with other conditions, some of which aren’t as serious. Medical professionals may misdiagnose an individual with something else, which could allow the peritoneal mesothelioma to spread and worsen.
Symptoms and diagnosis
Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms often include unexplained weight loss, nausea and changes in bowel habits. Some people may experience abdominal pain and swelling because of the condition. Unless a doctor considers the patient’s past asbestos exposure, they may miss making the proper diagnosis.
Diagnosing peritoneal mesothelioma typically involves imaging tests such as CT scans, along with biopsies to confirm the presence of cancerous cells. Early diagnosis is key to improving outcomes because treatment options are more effective in the earlier stages of the disease.
Treatment options
The first line of treatment for peritoneal mesothelioma generally includes surgery and chemotherapy. Cytoreduction surgery is typically followed by hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. This can help to remove as much of the cancer as possible because it directly targets the affected area. Some patients may need a different treatment plan, depending on their overall health and the stage of the disease.
While peritoneal mesothelioma remains a challenging condition to treat, advances in medical research are continually improving outcomes for patients. This rare form of cancer demands early treatment and a tailored treatment plan that starts as quickly as possible.
The diagnosis of this condition is often a shock for an affected individual and their family members. Seeking compensation for the financial damages is possible, but these cases can be complex. Seeking out a skilled legal team that can help with this process is beneficial for victims accordingly.