We Know Mesothelioma

Could wildfire smoke affect mesothelioma?

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2025 | Mesothelioma |

By now, everyone is aware of the terrible swath of destruction the wildfires have left across Southern California. Fortunately, Seattle residents have thus far remained unaffected by these wildfires.

However, just last summer, western Washington had to cope with the smoke from out-of-control wildfires. Whether from the United States or our northern neighbor, Canada, the effects of wildfire smoke can wreak havoc on people already suffering from respiratory illnesses.

Mesothelioma and smoky conditions

According to a recent Q & A on Pharmacy Times website, a registered nurse discussed how wildfire smoke can worsen the suffering of those living with mesothelioma.

Because the fire destroys more than just trees and brush, the smoke contains a plethora of pollutants, like the following:

  • Asbestos
  • Lead paint
  • Synthetic materials
  • Toxic gases
  • Dangerous chemicals
  • Particle pollutants

These and other pollutants, when inhaled, can create and worsen many respiratory conditions, including mesothelioma. 

The challenges of life with mesothelioma

When you are living with mesothelioma, simple things become obstacles. You may be tethered to an oxygen tank, struggling to climb a flight of stairs or confined to your home due to certain weather conditions, e.g., wildfire smoke.

Life as you knew it before your diagnosis is just not the same — and that can be hard to accept.

What you can do about it

While there is no cure yet for mesothelioma, there are funds set aside for those whose conditions resulted from their years of exposure at work. Any action you take to claim your share of these funds is not coming out of your former employer’s pocket. These funds are designated especially for those whose suffering may be somewhat eased by financial assistance when it is most needed.